Ted Lasso, the beloved comedy series that combines humor, heart, and football (or soccer, for our American friends), has left fans eagerly awaiting its fourth season. While official announcements are yet to grace our screens, let’s dive into what we know so far.

Ted Lasso Season 4 rumors: Apple+ comedy likely to return, release date still undetermined

Greenlight for Season 4

Warner Bros. Television has taken a positive step by picking up the options on three original cast members: Hannah Waddingham (Rebecca Welton), Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent), and Jeremy Swift (Leslie Higgins). This move not only indicates the studio’s confidence in the show but also fuels our hopes for more Ted Lasso goodness.

Potential Release Dates

As we sip our metaphorical tea and wait for official news, let’s discuss potential return dates. While no specific timeline has been confirmed, industry insiders speculate that production could kick off in early 2025. Of course, this hinges on various factors, including budget approvals, scheduling, and the availability of actors who aren’t currently under contract with Warner Bros. Television.

Season 3 Recap

A still from Ted Lasso (Image via Apple)

Before we sprint into Season 4, let’s jog our memories about Season 3. Ted Lasso, our relentlessly optimistic coach, returned home to Kansas, reuniting with his wife and son. The glimpses of the future teased intriguing paths for AFC Richmond and its quirky characters. Will Rebecca continue her journey as a football club owner? Can Roy Kent find fulfillment beyond the pitch? And what about the enigmatic Coach Beard?

What Lies Ahead

While we don’t have crystal-clear answers, we can expect more witty banter, heartwarming moments, and unexpected plot twists. Ted Lasso’s relentless positivity will continue to inspire us, even when life throws curveballs (or penalty kicks) our way.

So, dear fans, keep your jerseys washed and your biscuits ready. Ted Lasso Season 4 is on the horizon, and it promises to be a delightful ride!

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